Shrimp, Pork & Chinese Celery Dumpling 金牌虾虾仁芹菜水饺
Celery is a staple for vegetable lovers for its nutrients. This well-balanced recipe gives a hin...
Shrimp, Pork & Pea Sprout Asian-style Dumpling 金牌虾虾仁豆苗水饺
This dumpling is chock-full of pea sprout – a vegetable that has long been used for Asian cookin...
Shrimp, Pork & Shepherd’s Purse Dumpling 金牌虾虾仁荠菜水饺
The people of Shanghai and the surrounding Jiangnan region in China love this vegetable. Shepher...
Shrimp, Pork & Scallop Asian-style Dumpling 金牌虾干贝鲜虾水饺
If you are a seafood lover, you may enjoy this pork dumpling entrée made with shrimp and scallop....
Shrimp & Pork Asian-style Dumpling (Bamboo) 金牌虾至臻虾皇水饺
Known as the authentic dumpling with mom’s secret recipe that involves bamboo shoots. This perfe...
Shrimp, Pork & Leek Asian-style Dumpling 金牌虾虾仁韭菜水饺
If you are in the mood for leek, you will be impressed with this dumpling. Leek is widely used i...
Shrimp, Pork & Mushroom Asian-style Dumpling 金牌虾虾仁三鲜水饺
The MVP of dumplings. Created with three all-time favorite delicacies to make this dumpling the ...
Shrimp, Pork & Sweet Corn Asian-style Dumpling 金牌虾虾仁玉米水饺
Best summer flavor! The natural sweetness of corn will tempt the most discerning child, giving t...